Thursday, September 29, 2011

Clientele Pictures from the Jazz Age Lawn Party, August 2011

Our newsboy cap and Gable Peak lapel Jacket on style icon J. Michael

Our newsboy cap on this dashing duo.

Our Driver Cap and Calloway Deco Pleat Jacket. Great grooming, a lovely dame, and an easy style.

Simply Charming in our vintage Newsboy Cap

The Modern Vintage style. Slim suspenders and a low rise trouser for a uniquely modern approach.  Our driver cap adds the finishing touch.

Love the beard, the glasses, the brightness and the seamless way our Driver cap blends in.

Thought I'd share a few pictures of some of our clientele from the Jazz Age Lawn Party in August.  One of the great things about making elements of style is the chance to interact and learn from people who patronize the brand.  These guys already have a sense of themselves and an easy confidence, so they elevate the product and just take it to another level. Can an inanimate object really be cool? I'm a skeptic.  I think the object is ultimately defined by the character of the wearer and for that I'm truly grateful and appreciative of the clients we get to work with.

As you pull together your own look for the fall, remember in terms of style, a hat is only second to good shoes. (But, we don't make those! I'll scoop you on who does shoes right, in a future blog). 

Besides, a hat draws attention to your face, which gives you a chance to make eye contact.  In my experience, a lot of lovely things begin with a glance. Plus, you can easily wear a cap three or four times per week. When you consider cost-per-wear (a concept I'll elaborate on in the future), they're a great value. Be sure check out our offerings by clicking into our: e-bay pop-up shop .  

If you want to come to Brookyn, e-mail me to make an appointment: cmiller AT prohibitionclothing DOT com. I'll be glad to work with you personally and there's always a little rye whiskey or St.Germaine to be had.  After all, we are the Prohibition Clothing Company.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Defining Iconic American Vintage Style

I've been spending a lot of time contemplating what is Iconic American Vintage Style?  It's something so natural and innate to me, but I want to define it more clearly for others.  Iconic to me, means reducing things down to the essentials and executing them in a timeless way that seems almost larger than life.  To be American is to be a part of the grand experiment.  It means the eclectic energy and storied history of amazing times like the Prohibition era.  It is belonging and being an outcast simultaneously. It is the frenzied search for identity in a place where almost anything is possible. Vintage makes me think of fine wine, of things made in this country and the pride that generates.  It is a nostalgic longing for a simpler time where good music, friends and an honest days work was enough. It is faint scent of perfume from a letter written to you by a lover, carefully saved over the years and the slight ache in your heart as you reread it.  It is Miles Davis, Kind of Blue and the melancholy sentiment that comes with acknowledging that the simpler times of the past are forever gone.

So, with all of these cherished moments in mind, I spread a soft piece of wool across the table and picked up my shears in an effort to find this same truth and simplicity in modern life.  Over the next weeks, I'll be posting some pictures to give you some sense of the results.  A little history, a bit of romance, the American experience and a sense of personal style.  I hope you find these clothes as evocative as I do.


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Introducing the return of Iconic American Vintage Style

As we round the corner into cooler weather, one can only begin to think fondly of Fall.  I remember the first day of school and the excitement of new clothes, seeing friends after a summer apart, and the anxious feeling of beginning a new journey.  And so I found this feeling familiar, as I embarked on the creation of a timeless way of dressing that is both masculine and lovely, classic and contemporary. Considered creation (and consumption) means being free from the bonds of change for it's own sake and the wake of waste that mentality brings.  These are the clothes of your father's father. Of strong and gentle men with an easy confidence and a love for simple living.  There is art and poetry in each of us. In the slight tilt of your newsboy cap and the crisp roll of your shirt sleeves. Or is the way your trousers drape, hung from your shoulders by grosgrain and leather? Maybe life and art don't imitate each other, but move together in a casual, intimate way like the ocean and the sand. Two old lovers and a bottle of Chianti in the back of a cozy, jazz club. So much communication and so little need to use words.  As the season changes and nature implores you with her fall palette of rust, browns, and warm greys, I wish you the beautiful anxiety of a grand undertaking. Whether it be a new lover, business or project of passion how lucky we are to fall in love again. Oh, and if you find yourself in need of a slouchy trouser or reliable cap to accompany you on your quest, do let us know.