Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Defining Iconic American Vintage Style

I've been spending a lot of time contemplating what is Iconic American Vintage Style?  It's something so natural and innate to me, but I want to define it more clearly for others.  Iconic to me, means reducing things down to the essentials and executing them in a timeless way that seems almost larger than life.  To be American is to be a part of the grand experiment.  It means the eclectic energy and storied history of amazing times like the Prohibition era.  It is belonging and being an outcast simultaneously. It is the frenzied search for identity in a place where almost anything is possible. Vintage makes me think of fine wine, of things made in this country and the pride that generates.  It is a nostalgic longing for a simpler time where good music, friends and an honest days work was enough. It is faint scent of perfume from a letter written to you by a lover, carefully saved over the years and the slight ache in your heart as you reread it.  It is Miles Davis, Kind of Blue and the melancholy sentiment that comes with acknowledging that the simpler times of the past are forever gone.

So, with all of these cherished moments in mind, I spread a soft piece of wool across the table and picked up my shears in an effort to find this same truth and simplicity in modern life.  Over the next weeks, I'll be posting some pictures to give you some sense of the results.  A little history, a bit of romance, the American experience and a sense of personal style.  I hope you find these clothes as evocative as I do.


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