Friday, October 28, 2011

The 1st Annual Gentlemen's Vintage Show

Alright men, it's like Christmas in November.  If you need a few select accessories to impart some new life into your wardrobe, you can't miss this event.  Good clothes cost good money, so for most of us that means having a somewhat limited wardrobe, but a few new bowties, pocket squares and a good fedora can totally elevate your style. 

Take a tape measure or if you have a friend who sews, that's even better. Make sure to look inside the garments.  Many older garments have "outlets". This extra fabric at the seams  would allow the garment to be let out as the wearer grew. This goes for pants hems too.  You only need 1/4" allowance to hem a pair of pants. This is done by using another fabric to create a facing. So keep that in mind too.  (Contact me if you need details!) Finally, remember cost per wear. A fifty-five dollar vintage bowtie, you can wear twenty times a year and look great in for the rest of your life is a good deal.  Even if you change your mind after a few years you can recover some of the expense on E-bay. Oh, and the cost-per-wear concept only works if you buy classics.  Fashionistas are forever at the mercy and whim of fickle designers, whose primary responsibility is to ensure you and your cash go seperate ways.  If their style sense is so good, why does it change year after year?
Happy Hunting and hope to see you there!

An easy, elegant daytime look using vintage pieces with a few top quality new pieces. Fedora is vintage Dobbs, I think  I paid around fifty dollars for it. My shirt is the Keswick collar custom fit from Prohibition Clothing.
The suspenders are vintage and cost around twenty five dollars. Trouser are the Ellington Drape trousers also by Prohibition Clothing.

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